
6 million fatality free shifts for Modikwa Platinum Mine

2 December 2009

On 02 December 2009 Modikwa Platinum Mine near Burgersfort in Limpopo Province reached a remarkable safety milestone in achieving 6 Million Fatality Free Shifts! It is not many mines, which in their history can achieve this remarkable achievement, and Modikwa has joined an elite band of a few who have excelled in their safety achievements.

The beginning of this success story was back in 2006 when Modikwa achieved the fist million fatality free shifts in its short history. However, on 13th April 2006 an employee tragically died on duty, but, seven months later, on the 26th November 2006 the start of the current series of consecutive million shift achievements at Modikwa continued with recording the first million fatality free. The second million followed in July 2007, the third in February 2008, the fourth in August 2008, and the fifth in March 2009. This remarkable achievement has resulted in the mine being awarded the Mine Health and Safety Council and the Department of Mineral Resources awards Six times, and in September 2009 an industry award for excellence. It took the mine almost 9 months to achieve its sixth million consecutive fatality free shifts and equates to 44 months without a fatal injury for the mine.

“We are truly setting a benchmark for the platinum mining industry! Only our employees’ and contractors’ unconditional commitment to our total compliance to safety strategies, and the dedication shown by them towards the elimination of unsafe acts and conditions has made this possible”, said Mr. Sean O’Connor, Business Leader of the Mine.

He further stated that Modikwa’s core ideology “Caring for our people” coupled to a zero mindset towards injuries, prevention of re-occurrence of injuries, and set safety standards and rules is the foundation that is taking Modikwa to the forefront in injury prevention. Our goal to prevent not only Fatalities in the mine but also injuries as a whole is within sight and the unconditional commitment going forward will make us a success.

This exceptional achievement was celebrated with a road show by the Leadership of Modikwa Platinum Mine visiting the different Business Areas, personally congratulating and thanking every employee for their contribution.