ARM strives to balance the economic, social and environmental aspects of our business which are all essential to our long-term sustainability. We are proud of the good relationships we have and continue to develop with all our stakeholders.
ARM’s values, governance structures and ethical leadership guide our actions to conduct our business activities with integrity and respect for the environmental and societal contexts in which we operate. As a leading mining and minerals company, ARM is cognisant not only of our impacts on the world around us, but also of the opportunities to make a positive contribution to growth and development in the societies in which we operate.
ARM’s values explicitly acknowledge that social responsibility, good corporate governance and environmental stewardship are essential aspects of generating economic value for shareholders and social benefit for stakeholders. Taking a broader view to include nonfinancial aspects ensures ARM’s long-term sustainability.
The ESG Report provides more detail
our performance and approach to
sustainable mining.
ARM’s Sustainable Development Model
Our approach to sustainable development is represented in our sustainable development model, which shows the inputs that shape our approach and the aspects we consider in the creation of value.