
ARM BBEE Trust announces fourth dividend distribution of R10.2 million to beneficiaries throughout South Africa

16 November 2010

Patrice Motsepe, Executive Chairman of African Rainbow Minerals (ARM), today announced that the company will be making a further R10 million cash distribution to community upliftment projects throughout South Africa.

ARM has contributed approximately R51 million over the past four years to various community upliftment projects through its Broad-based Economic Empowerment Trust.

The ARM BBEE Trust was established in 2005 with the primary objective of contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of poor and marginalised persons. The Trust provides funding to provincial rural upliftment trusts established by ARM to contribute to community development, health, welfare, educational and anti-poverty initiatives. Through the ARM BBEE Trust, the Trusts, church groups, women groups and trade union organisations own a 10% equity interest in ARM.

The ARM BBEE Trust consists of five provincial Trusts � the Eastern Cape Rural Upliftment Trust, the Kwa-Zulu Natal Rural Upliftment Trust, the Limpopo Rural Upliftment Trust, the Mpumalanga/Northern Cape Rural Upliftment Trust and the North West/Free State Rural Upliftment Trust; as well as the National Women’s Upliftment Trust, the ZCC Church Trust, the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) Trust, the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) Trust and approximately 150 respected community and provincial leaders.

For further information, please contact:

Jongisa Klaas
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development
Office: +27 11 779 1507