
No change statement and notice of annual general meeting

4 November 2014

Shareholders are advised that the Company’s 2014 Integrated Annual Report, containing the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014, has been distributed to shareholders on Tuesday, 4 November 2014 and contains no modifications to the reviewed provisional results which were published on Thursday, 4 September 2014. The Company’s auditors, Ernst & Young Inc., have audited the annual financial statements and their unqualified report is available for inspection at the Company’s registered office. The 2014 Integrated Annual Report will be available on the Company’s website from Tuesday, 4 November 2014.

Notice is hereby given that the 81st Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Company will be held in Boardroom 6/7, Sandton Convention Centre, 161 Maude Street (at the corner of Fifth and Maude Streets), Sandton on Friday, 5 December 2014 at 14:00 (South African time), to transact the business as stated in the notice of annual general meeting forming part of the 2014 Integrated Annual Report.

The record date for shareholders to be entitled to receive the notice of annual general meeting is Friday, 24 October 2014. Friday, 28 November 2014 is the record date on which shareholders must be recorded as such in the register maintained by the transfer secretaries of the Company for the purposes of being entitled to participate in and vote at the Annual General Meeting (�voting record date�). Therefore, the last day to trade in the Company’s shares in order to be recorded as a shareholder by the voting record date is Friday, 21 November 2014.

As a result of the current South African Post Office strike, which may adversely affect postal deliveries, shareholders are further advised that they may also access the 2014 Integrated Annual Report on the Company’s website or alternatively obtain a copy of the 2014 Integrated Annual Report from the Company’s registered office.

For investor relations queries, please contact:

Jongisa Magagula
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development
Tel: +27 11 779 1507

4 November 2014

Deutsche Securities (SA) Proprietary Limited