Results of the 84th Annual General Meeting – African Rainbow Minerals (ARM)

Results of the 84th Annual General Meeting

4 December 2017

The shareholders of ARM (“Shareholders”) are advised that at the annual general meeting of Shareholders (“Annual General Meeting”) held on Friday, 1 December 2017, in terms of the notice of Annual General Meeting distributed to Shareholders on 26 October 2017, all of the resolutions tabled were passed by the requisite majority of votes cast by Shareholders present in person or represented by proxy.

As at Friday, 24 November 2017, being the Voting Record Date, the total issued share capital of ARM was 218 804 950 (“Issued Shares”) and the total number of votable shares was 190 190 210 (“Votable Shares”). The number of ARM shares voted in person or by proxy at the Annual General Meeting is 169 480 677 shares, representing 77.46% of the Issued Shares and 89.11% of the Votable Shares.

The voting results were as follows:

SHARES (%)**
Ordinary resolution number 1
Re-election of Mr J A Chissano as a Director
81.01 18.99 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 2
Re-election of Mr Z B Swanepoel as a Director
96.75 3.25 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 3
Re-election of Dr R V Simelane as a Director
96.68 3.32 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 4
Election of Mr J P Möller as a Director
100.00 0.00 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 5
Election of Mr D C Noko as a Director
100.00 0.00 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 6
Election of Mr J C Steenkamp as a Director
97.11 2.89 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 7
Re-appointment of Ernst & Young Inc. as external auditor and re-appointment of
Mr L I N Tomlinson as the person designated to act on behalf of the external auditor
93.77 6.23 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 8
Election of Audit and Risk Committee Members
Ordinary resolution number 8.1 99.96 0.04 169 454 206 77.45 0.01
Mr T A Boardman
Ordinary resolution number 8.2
Mr F Abbott
87.86 12.14 169 454 188 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 8.3
Dr M M M Bakane-Tuoane
96.81 3.19 169 454 206 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 8.4
Mr A D Botha
99.96 0.04 169 454 188 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 8.5
Mr A K Maditsi
96.81 3.19 169 454 206 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 8.6
Mr J P Möller
100.00 0.00 169 454 188 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 8.7
Dr R V Simelane
96.64 3.36 169 454 206 77.45 0.01
Ordinary resolution number 9
Non-binding advisory vote on ARM’s Remuneration Policy
79.91 20.09 161 827 329 73.96 3.50
Ordinary resolution number 10
Non-binding advisory vote on ARM’s Remuneration Implementation Report
82.14 17.86 161 827 329 73.96 3.50
Special resolution number 1
Payment of an additional amount for VAT on Non-Executive Directors’ fees
100.00 0.00 169 454 242 77.45 0.01
Special resolution number 2
Increase in annual retainer fees and per Board meeting attendance fees of Non-Executive Directors
99.96 0.04 169 453 260 77.44 0.01
Special resolution number 3
Increase in the Committee meeting attendance fees
99.96 0.04 169 453 260 77.44 0.01
Special resolution number 4
Financial assistance – for subscription for securities
84.01 15.99 169 454 206 77.45 0.01
Special resolution number 5
Financial assistance – for related or inter-related companies
99.98 0.02 169 454 156 77.45 0.01


*Expressed as a percentage of the number of shares voted per resolution.
**Expressed as a percentage of the Issued Shares as at the Voting Record Date.

4 December 2017

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