We value all our stakeholders and understand that the success and sustainability of our business is inextricably linked to the value that we create for our stakeholders which include, amongst others, communities neighbouring our mines, employees, shareholders, government, and service providers.
Over the last five years (on a 100% basis) ARM and its operations have contributed the following to society:
- We employ more than 22 931 employees and contractors.
- R20.9 billion was paid to employees as salaries, wages and benefits.
- R751 million was invested in communities neighbouring our mines through development projects in infrastructure, education and health. These projects were identified in partnership with local government and community representative structures.
- R1.3 billion was invested in training initiatives to improve the skills of our employees.
- 1 024 bursaries were granted to qualifying students the majority of whom are from communities neighbouring our mines.
- R27.0 billion was paid to the fiscus as taxes and royalties.
- Historically Disadvantaged Persons (HDP) representation in management increased from 61% in F2018 to 72% in F2023.
- Adult education and training was provided to 343 employees and 1 017 members from communities neighbouring our mines
Please refer to our latest Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report for further detail.
ARM’s commitment to transformation
ARM is redressing historical socio-economic inequalities, to ensure broad-based economic empowerment and meaningful participation of HDP in the mining and minerals industry in accordance with the Mineral Resources and Petroleum and Development Act, No. 28 of 2002 (MRPDA).
Preferential procurement at the operations aims to increase procurement of goods and services from historically disadvantaged South Africans (HDSA), women- and youth-owned companies.
We are also committed to transforming the mining industry in terms of the Mining Charter through: (i) effective ownership (ii) procurement and enterprise development, (iii) employment equity, and (iv) development of communities neighbouring our mines.
Our commitment to broad-based black economic empowerment and transformation is achieved, inter alia, through initiatives undertaken throughout the group (i) in human resources development, (ii) preferential procurement, enterprise and supplier development and (iii) development of communities neighbouring our mines in accordance with our operations’ Social and Labour Plans.
Our success in this regard can be measured by the outcomes we achieve annually in the group’s black economic empowerment verification conducted by an independent Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Rating Agent.